Another fun one we learned from my Bay Area cousins. We play this a lot on hikes and in the car. Easy to tailor it to whoever is around. Lots of creativity comes out with this one!

Goal: To name the place someone is thinking of.
How to Play: Decide ahead of time what the geographical scope of the game will be. It could be that you are trying to come up with the name of a city in the US, a state, a country, famous places around the world, places in your area...could be anything, but narrowing it down makes the game way easier. After you know what sort of names you are thinking about, everyone starts coming up with clues. You break the name down into clues based loosely around the city’s syllables. Everyone else tries to guess what name they are thinking of.
If you are guessing US cities...
“Beach dirt - a screech - waffle brand”....Sand - eeeee! - eggo….San Diego!
“Look - cow”... See - cattle….Seattle!
“Weight measurement - hesitation - bite - volleyball move”...Mass - uh - chew - sets ...Massachusets!
Try these:
European Cities…
“Couple - snake sound”
“Chilly - out"
“Is - Mix - Barrier”
( 1. Paris 2. Berlin 3. Amsterdam )
This game requires fun fiddling with absolutes. “Is” is not a synonym for “Am”, but it’s close enough :)
Have fun with this one!