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Sep 1, 20204 min read
It took a pandemic
Even as a homeschooler, the sudden shut down this past spring for Covid-19 was a huge shock to our daily routine and family life. Before...

Aug 28, 20204 min read
All children want to learn
One of the biggest mistakes I make as a homeschooling parent is when I try too hard to force learning to happen. There is wisdom to be...

Aug 28, 20202 min read
Scheduling week: Day 5 - Take a break!
We did it! We made it through a whole week of talking about SCHEDULING! To review, we covered: Day 1 - The Big Picture Day 2 - The...

Aug 27, 20205 min read
Scheduling week: Day 4 - The daily rhythm
We’re on a roll! We’ve made so much progress and now it’s time to get to the daily rhythm. As a refresher, here’s our schedule for the...

Aug 26, 20203 min read
Scheduling week: Day 3 - The weekly schedule
Here we are on Day 3 of scheduling week, where we’re diving into all things scheduling. Here’s what our week is looking like: Day 1 -...

Aug 25, 20205 min read
Scheduling week: Day 2 - The yearly plan
Welcome back to scheduling week! Our plan for the week looks like this: Day 1 - The Big Picture Day 2 - The Year Day 3 - The Weekly...

Aug 24, 20204 min read
Scheduling week: Day 1 - The big picture!
Some of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to homeschooling are about scheduling. How do you plan for the year? What...

Aug 20, 20204 min read
How many hours a day are we talking here?
When I tell people I homeschool my kids I never know what kind of assumptions they might make. It’s a loaded word. People have so many...

Aug 18, 20203 min read
Transitioning into homeschooling
Taking it slow... When the schools shut down for Covid, and families were struggling to deal with the unexpected and unwanted...

Aug 14, 20202 min read
Is it really time to zoom again?
As we all gear up for another round of virtual learning (whether you’re a brick and mortar schooler or homeschooler), the dread of zoom...

Aug 13, 20203 min read
An untapped resource
When Covid swept away all our spring dreams, many homeschoolers, perhaps for the first time, felt united with parents across the globe....
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